How do you get subscribers for your email marketing lists? If all of your efforts are concentrated online, you’re missing out on the opportunity to capture more signups in your physical office or retail space with in-store signage.
Ironically, the widespread use of mobile technology is actually making it easier for businesses to benefit from on-location advertising for digital marketing channels. According to a survey from iModerate, more than half of smartphone users access the Internet while they’re in a store.
Some businesses are taking advantage of this by placing signage asking customers to like them on Facebook, follow on Twitter, or visit their website. However, very few advertise their email marketing lists—in fact, a report from ExactTarget notes that only 2% of the top 100 U.S. retailers use in-store signage for signups.
How can you maximize your newfangled email marketing with old-fashioned store signs? Here are a few ideas to engage your customers: