In the age of instant gratification, it’s more important than ever to make sure you’re responding to potentialemarketing-automationcustomers in a timely manner. Internet users have come to expect speed—if you’re not responding quickly, they’re already moving on to the next possibility, which is usually one of your competitors.
If you’re the type that sets aside a certain time or day to contact the accumulated leads who have filled out your online form, you’re way behind the curve. The best response windows are measured in minutes.
In fact, a study by Lead Response Management showed that the odds of contacting a lead decrease by over 10 times after the first hour, and the odds of calling to qualify a lead drop by more than 6 times. After 10 hours, the contact success falls to zero.
Even a one-hour response time may be too long. A 2008 study from InsideSales.com found that the chances of contacting a lead within 5 minutes of a web form inquiry are 100 times greater than within 30 minutes. For qualifying a lead, responding in the first 5 minutes boosts your odds 21 times over 30 minutes.
A response time of 5 minutes may sound extreme, but there are plenty of ways you can make it happen with your web forms.
Would you like to grab qualified leads before they start looking for your competitors? Here are a few effective methods:
Fast response times allow you to contact potential customers while their interest is piqued—at the very moment they fill out your web form to request more information. By responding quickly to online inquiries, you also illustrate your dedication to customer satisfaction.
Strive to be faster than your competitors, and catch leads while they’re hot!