Your website is the vital, central component of your online marketing efforts. Just like retail spaces, Internet sites should be regularly updated to reflect changing consumer trends, as well as the evolving face of your business. When was the last time you had a website overhaul?
If it’s been awhile, here are four great reasons to change your website for 2013.
Website styles have evolved considerably over the past few years. If you haven’t updated lately, your site probably looks old and outdated to visitors. A redesign gives you the opportunity to sport a fresh new look online—and shows that you’re proactively involved in presenting the best face for your business.
Another great reason to update is to add new content. This not only keeps your visitors from getting bored, but also appeals to search engines. Search engines index your site every time the content changes—so adding new content helps you boost your search engine rankings.
Speaking of content, is your website search engine optimized? SEO is essential for driving your site to the front pages of search engine results—and the rules have changed. When redesigning your site, you have the opportunity to integrate important search terms naturally into your content, which gives them more weight with search engines.
Technology is constantly evolving. Is your website keeping up with the latest? Just a few years ago, most websites could do well with a visually appealing and informative mix of graphics and text—but today, the integration of social media tools and platforms like mobile optimization are almost a requirement. With a revamped site, you can ensure that the latest tools and platforms are part of the overall design, instead of being merely tacked onto the existing site.
Stay ahead of the competition
When you redesign your website with your competitors in mind, you can ensure greater success in reaching out to your markets and drawing in new business. Factoring in the competition during a site overhaul is a great way to strengthen your online marketing position.
If you’re looking to redesign your website for a successful 2013, contact Informatix for expert help with design, content, SEO, and more.