Mobile Usability: The New Must for SEO?

Mobile Usability: The New Must for SEO?

Good SEO is a requirement for any digital marketing strategy, and Google is by far the number one search engine in the world. Ranking high in Google search results is one of the best ways to boost visibility for your business online, but Google has a habit of changing the rules—and there may be further changes to Google’s algorithms in store with regard to mobile usability.

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Embracing Mobile Markets

Embracing Mobile Markets

In Australia, smartphones are on track to becoming the new personal computer. In a recent study by Google and IPSOS Social Research, Australia ranked second in the world for smartphone penetration—surprisingly, behind only Singapore, not the United States. Nearly half of Australians research businesses on their smartphones, and a quarter of them make mobile purchases.
In other words, your customers have gone mobile. Is your business keeping up?

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Search Term Trends: How They Can Help Your Business

How Search Term Trends Can Help Your Business

In 2012, search engine giant Google tracked over 1.2 trillion searches in nearly 150 languages to come up with Zeitgeist 2012, their list of the year’s most popular search terms and trends.

Not surprisingly, topping the lists were a lot of pop culture references and world news items, from Whitney Houston to Hurricane Sandy.

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