
Data storage and security: Do you know where and how your data is secured?

In today’s increasingly versatile (and volatile!) technology environment, data security is an ongoing concern. With ever-evolving opportunities for data access and storage, it’s critical for businesses to understand exactly where and how their information is located, and the privacy implications of the different types of electronic storage.

Although the majority of security breaches originate from internal networks—perpetrated by trusted individuals who have legal access to the information—there is still a very real risk of external violation. It’s this potential for hacking or unauthorized access that must be prevented with targeted security protocols and encryption.

Data Storage Options

First and foremost, business managers need to understand the types of available data storage, as well as the potential risks in terms of privacy and security. Although there are seemingly countless data storage choices, most of them boil down to just four categories:

  • Computer hard drive: For anything more than a small home business, the space available on the average computer hard drive most likely won’t be enough. It’s also not an especially safe choice: Your hard drive might seem like the most secure storage option, but it’s not difficult for hackers to crack the security on the average desktop or laptop machine and steal data.
  • External hard drive: This is a viable solution for home computer users and small businesses, but is not practical for large groups for the same reason you wouldn’t want to rely on your computer’s hard drive alone. External drives offer limited space, they’re costly, and they can be inconvenient to plug in and use. If you leave them constantly connected to your network, they can be easily hacked, just like a normal PC.
  • Third party storage: Modern IT companies, including Informatix, offer a variety of third-party storage options, including server space, which serve as a secure backup for essential data. These companies are governed by the laws of the countries and territories where they are based, and offer a range of security levels depending on local regulations and their own level of competence and technological skill.
  • Online storage: As a specific type of third-party storage, online document backup is becoming a popular option. It’s available in virtually unlimited amounts from reputable companies like Google. Unfortunately, although these services are inexpensive or free, this is not always the most useful or organized system to suit the storage needs of large groups or corporations.

Your Data Security

Where data security is concerned, you can’t be too careful. There is an ongoing need for secure data backup and, in the case of large organizations, extensive electronic data storage—but this need should never supersede the necessity of confirming your information security before transmitting files via an Internet connection or storing them on an IT firm’s server.

It’s wise to research the security practices of any data storage approach you’re considering, and to confirm the specific regulations under which your data will be safeguarded. Will your backups be safe from viruses, Trojans, worms, and other malicious code? What measures does your storage system take to protect your files? When in doubt, ask for more information! With your clients’ privacy and your business reputation on the line, there’s no such thing as a stupid question when it comes to IT security.

Informatix Data Security

We take privacy and data security very seriously. Our servers are constantly updated with top data encryption and protection processes to take a proactive stand against hacking.

All of Informatix’s servers are located in Australia. As a result, we are completely governed by Australian corporate law, including the Privacy Act. To completely protect your data and peace of mind, we strive to meet or exceed all compliance requirements set by law. If you have questions about our servers or our data security, please contact us at any time.


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