
Responsive Design: Making Your Website Accessible for Mobile

With so many people going online through mobile devices, your business website needs to be accessible and functional across multiple platforms for all screen sizes. It’s frustrating for consumers to search for information on the go—only to find tiny fonts, crowded pages, and links that are impossible to tap.

A recent Google study found that 79 percent of people who don’t like the look and feel of a website will go back to the search results for a different site with similar information. If your website doesn’t render well on mobile platforms, this is probably happening to you.

There are a few things you can do to make sure your website is viewable on different screens and platforms. You can create a separate mobile-optimized website with a pared-down design for mobile screens, or build mobile optimization into your site. One way to do this is through responsive design.

Things to consider with responsive design

Some mobile-optimized websites are less than impressive when viewed on a desktop or laptop, because they’re created to work with smaller screens. Responsive design codes your website so it appears differently, depending on the device that’s used to view it. This way, you can provide the best possible viewing experience for every visitor, regardless of platform, without the need for separate websites.

Another benefit of responsive design is that you can adjust the content according to your audience. For instance, people who are viewing a retail business on a mobile device are probably looking for directions or contact information, so you can make those elements prominent for those visitors.

Responsive design can provide a complete solution for ensuring cross-platform compatibility. Does your website hold up to the multi-platform test? Try viewing it on different devices to determine whether your mobile optimization needs work.


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