Social Media
Tapping Into QR Codes
Even if you’ve never heard the term, you’ve probably seen plenty of QR codes—they’re square-shaped, funky-looking black and white bar codes that contain small black squares in three of the four corners. You may have seen them on websites, on printed marketing materials, or in many other places. So what exactly are they, and how can they help your business?
Guest Experts Can Improve Your Newsletter or Blog
Looking for a way to freshen up the content in your business blog or newsletter? There’s no better way to add value and attract both old and new readership than with a guest column.
Businesses Using Social Media Make More Money
Can social media improve your bottom line? New research says yes, proving that companies can make use of these vital tools to improve sales and make more money.
Despite skepticism from most business insiders about the real dollar value of social media networking, a four-year study released by global management consulting firm McKinsey & Company at the end of 2010 shows that the money really is there for companies that learn to leverage such tools.
Email Marketing and Social Media – A Match Made in Heaven
From Facebook to LinkedIn to Twitter, social media channels have created exciting new opportunities for online marketing and brand development. If your marketing focus has always been on emails and e-newsletters up to this point, don’t despair! There are plenty of ways to connect your social media and email marketing efforts and make the most of both opportunities.
Blogging Trends and Figures for 2011
Blogs are considered one of the most powerful online marketing tools for modern businesses—and with good reason. An entertaining, relevant, and well-written blog puts fresh search engine fodder on your company’s website weekly (or daily), spiking traffic to your pages. A steady flow of quality content also establishes you as an expert in your field, engaging existing and prospective clients while providing information people can really use.