
Why You Need Mobile Design Now

The whole world is going mobile online—and that includes Australia in a big way. According to the Australian Mobile Phone Lifestyle Index:

  • 76 percent of mobile phone owners have a smartphone
  • 79 percent obtain information online—including researching products, services, and companies—with their phones
  • 42 percent have made online purchases from their phones
  • 17 percent make mobile online purchases at least once a week
  • Of course, being online means people all over the world have access to your company, so your customer base can expand beyond Australia-wide. There are more than 1.5 billion smartphones in the world. How does your website look on a smaller screen?

If you haven’t designed your site with smartphones and tablets in mind, you’re missing out on a huge amount of potential business.

What are your options?

When tablet or smartphone users visit your website, the design is critical in determining whether they’ll explore further or start looking for your competition. Traditional website designs are often unreadable or impossible to navigate on a small screen.

There are a few different ways to capture mobile consumer business:

  • Separate standard and mobile sites. If you have an established brand that comes across well on your website but looks awful on a small screen, you may want to build a separate site just for mobile devices.
  • Mobile-optimized website. This is the most popular choice for many businesses. It’s easier to maintain one website that works well on both full-sized computers and mobile devices.
  • Apps. As an alternative (or in addition) to your main website, you can develop an app that conveys information about your company. A dedicated app can also improve customer engagement and help improve top-of-mind for your brand.

Go mobile with Informatix

Need to revamp your website for mobile viewing? Contact us to learn more about our premium website design services and search engine optimization. We’ll help you tap into the vast and growing mobile market with fantastic, seamless design for your site.


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