Email Marketing
Don’t Make These Email Marketing Mistakes
Email Marketing Mistakes – One of the oldest and continually effective digital marketing strategies, email marketing can have powerful returns for your business. But like all marketing methods, email campaigns evolve over time—and some strategies that used to be effective simply don’t work anymore.
Email Subject Line Symbols: Do They Increase Open Rates?
Some companies are now using symbols in their email subject lines to help their marketing messages stand out in crowded inboxes. But does this quirky method work, or is it just another marketing tactic that looks intriguing on the surface, but fizzles out in practice?
Power Up Your Email Marketing with Site and Event Tracking
Customer data is the most valuable tool for digital marketing. With browsing behavior data, you can gain insight into your contacts, improve targeting and personalization, and increase the ROI of your marketing campaigns.
Are Your Emails Making It to the Inbox?
As an email marketer, you’re probably tracking all sorts of engagement metrics for your campaigns—from new subscriptions, to open and click-through rates, to the dreaded unsubscribe numbers. All of this gives you valuable data you can use to fine-tune your marketing strategies. Are Your Emails Making It to the Inbox
More Changes from Gmail: Unsubscribe Link, Feedback Loop
Attention, email marketers: In a move that surprises no one, Gmail is changing things yet again. Google’s ultra-popular email service is now featuring unsubscribe buttons for marketing messages, and a limited-data feedback loop for campaign senders.