What’s Your Hit / Conversion Rate?

What's Your Hit / Conversion Rate?

A hit rate, also known as a conversion rate, is an important marketing analysis tool for businesses of all sizes. It’s a measure of how marketing tactics translate into actual sales, usually expressed as a percentage. In other words, it’s the number of potential customers who ultimately end up buying your products or services. The higher your conversion rate, the more effective your marketing strategies.

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SEO for eCommerce Category Pages

Has Facebook Changed the Face of SEO?

Search engine optimization doesn’t just apply to your landing page, blog, and the “About” page of your business. Every piece of content on your website is crawled by Google and other search engines, and gets factored into how their algorithms rank your site. That means a few poorly-optimized pages – such as long, boring lists of products on otherwise empty category pages – can drag down your ranking, bringing a site that might otherwise have appeared on the first page of Google results to the second page, third, or worse.

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