Live Chat: Do Consumers Love It or Hate It?

Live Chat: Do Consumers Love It or Hate It?

More websites, especially ecommerce sites, are turning to live chat in order to provide their customers with more prompt and thorough customer service and an enhanced online experience. Live chat can also help online business gather customer data, capture addresses, and increase conversions. But how do consumers feel about this service?

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Best Practices for Running Your Ecommerce Website


A strong email marketing list is often the backbone of a digital marketing strategy. Most list-building methods are of the slow and steady variety, but social media gives businesses the opportunity to grow lists quickly through a wider reach and the viral nature of the platform. One method for amassing a lot of subscribers in a short amount of time is to run a social media contest.

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Responsive Design: Making Your Website Accessible for Mobile

Responsive Design: Making Your Website Accessible for Mobile

With so many people going online through mobile devices, your business website needs to be accessible and functional across multiple platforms for all screen sizes. It’s frustrating for consumers to search for information on the go—only to find tiny fonts, crowded pages, and links that are impossible to tap.

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Why You Need Mobile Design Now

Why You Need Mobile Design Now

The whole world is going mobile online—and that includes Australia in a big way. According to the Australian Mobile Phone Lifestyle Index:

  • 76 percent of mobile phone owners have a smartphone
  • 79 percent obtain information online—including researching products, services, and companies—with their phones
  • 42 percent have made online purchases from their phones
  • 17 percent make mobile online purchases at least once a week
  • Of course, being online means people all over the world have access to your company, so your customer base can expand beyond Australia-wide. There are more than 1.5 billion smartphones in the world. How does your website look on a smaller screen?

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